Ideas for Service

There are literally hundreds of different ways we can serve those around us. Individually, as families, and as groups, we can make a big difference. Here are 50 ideas to help inspire you as you think about individual and family service projects. You can also check Just ServeI Was a Stranger, or for more ideas.
  1. Write thank you letters to people (mailman, teachers, police officers, fire fighters, doctors, military)
  2. Bake and deliver cookies to neighbors you haven't met 
  3. Deliver groceries or a meal anonymously to a family who might appreciate it
  4. Help an elderly person with their yardwork
  5. Pick up litter at a park
  6. Volunteer to read letters or the newspaper to residents in nursing homes
  7. Visit a hospital and read to kids
  8. Put together kids' craft kits and deliver them to a children's hospital
  9. Organize a board game night at a nursing home
  10. Make and donate a no-sew fleece blanket for Project Linus
  11. Donate clothes, books, board games, or toys to a local homeless shelter
  12. Collect DVDs and video games you don't use and donate them to
  13. Volunteer at an animal shelter
  14. Volunteer at the food bank
  15. Donate stuffed animals to firehouses so they can give them to children in emergencies
  16. Make homemade cards and drop them off at a hospital 
  17. Put together a care package for a missionary or member of the military
  18. Sweep porches of widows or elderly people
  19. Ask your kids' teachers if any students in the class are in need of books at their house.  Have your kids pick out a few they no longer need and send them to school and let the teacher send them home in another child's backpack.
  20. Make sandwiches for the homeless and hand them out downtown or at stoplights
  21. Write letters to grandparents
  22. Donate books to a book drive or library
  23. Put together care kits for homeless shelters or women's shelters to hand out
  24. Babysit for free
  25. Deliver flowers to a nursing home
  26. Volunteer at a local soup kitchen
  27. Pay for the next person's food at a drive-through
  28. Help teach someone a new skill that you have
  29. Write your testimonies in the front covers of copies of The Book of Mormon and give them to the missionaries to hand out
  30. Donate old eyeglasses to an overseas glasses program
  31. Donate blood
  32. Wash a neighbor's car
  33. Write kind, anonymous notes to people who may need their day brightened
  34. Contact a local thrift store and ask to help sort donated items.
  35. Bake cookies or bring snacks to a community center that provides after school care for low-income families
  36. Go to a sporting event of a friend
  37. Mow the grass of a neighbor who is out of town.
  38. Deliver pet food to an animal shelter
  39. Give someone a ride to church
  40. Donate Boxtops to your elementary school
  41. Sing a song to an elderly neighbor or go to a nursing home and go caroling (even in fall!)
  42. Bring a meal to someone who has been sick, had a baby, or who has had a bad day
  43. Run errands for people who can't do it themselves
  44. Host a Hunger Heroes play date and encourage people to bring canned goods to donate
  45. Put together busy bags for a children's hospital
  46. Donate outgrown baby items to a women's shelter
  47. Return someone's cart at the store
  48. Donate a book to a doctor’s office waiting room
  49. Donate new pajamas for foster kids
  50. Drop off donations for refugees